

What causes earthquakes? Earthquakes are caused by something called Tectonic plates. In this information report you will be learning about Tectonic plates, Earthquake general facts and the effects of earthquakes.

Earthquakes use the power of rocks in the earth’s crust. Powerful earthquakes can be heard over 100,000 miles! Earthquakes shock waves that travel underground are called seismic waves. Most scientists use different speed of seismic waves to find the epicenter of earthquakes.

Most earthquakes cause big buildings to collapse and kill everyone in that building. Some earthquakes can cut off Electricity, Water and Gas supplies. Most earthquakes can make the land shift and move.

Tectonic plates are 20 pieces of the earth that when slide together cause earthquakes. Tectonic plates are very important because they cause earthquakes. Tectonic plates cause earthquakes when they hit, slide and bump into each other.

Conclusion: Soil and rocks of earthquakes begin to slide down slopes burying anything in their path. I hope you got all the information of earthquakes and if you didn’t keep on reading until you do.
By Marteen


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